Dress Code
Please adhere to the following dress code as it ensures the instructor’s ability to see joint and muscle work and make necessary corrections. The dress code is standard at most accomplished dance institutions. Failure to abide by any of the dress code rules may result in the class instructor asking the student to sit and watch the class instead of participating.
Loose or dangling jewelry presents a safety hazard and should be left at home. Dance attire other than proper dance skirts are a distraction for dancers and are not permitted. Gum, food, and/or drinks are not allowed in the studios. No Isotoner slip-ons for ballet shoes. All ballet shoes must be leather.
Girls: Tights are to be worn underneath the leotard. Please sew on all shoe elastics and tuck in drawstrings. No halter style leotards.*
Hair for girls for ballet must be pulled back off of the face and neck into a neat bun. If hair is too short to be pulled back into a bun, please wear a head band to keep the hair from falling on the face. For all other dance classes, hair for boys and girls must be out of the eyes and off the face.
All clothing and shoes should be marked with the student's name. Dance attire that you will change into must be carried in a proper dance bag. Students should not wear leg warmers, sweaters, skirts or extra clothing of any kind in the classroom. Long-sleeved leotards (not sweaters) are appropriate in cold weather. A cover up must be worn over ballet dance wear to and from the studio.
Dance shoes (ballet, jazz, tap) must never be worn from home to the studio, and from studio to home to prevent injury and damage to shoes and the dance floor.
Girls – Basic pink leotard [no skirt or tutu attached], full footed pink or flesh tone tights, and pink or flesh tone ballet shoes.
Boys – White t-shirt, black shorts or pants, and black ballet shoes.
Girls – Basic pink leotard [no skirt or tutu attached], pink or flesh tone tights, pink or flesh tone ballet shoes.
Boys – White t-shirt, black shorts or pants, black ballet shoes.
Girls – Any solid color leotard, pink or flesh tone tights, pink or flesh tone ballet shoes. Skirt optional.
Boys – White t-shirt, black shorts or pants, black ballet shoes.
Girls – Solid colored leotard, black jazz pants, tan slip on jazz shoes.
Boys – Black jazz pants, white t-shirt, black jazz shoes.
Girls/Ladies – Dance shorts with tights worn underneath or dance pants, tank top or fitted t-shirt. Flats or heels. Generally, heels are not worn until a child is in their teens.
Boys/Men – Any color t-shirt, gym shorts or pants and black tap shoes.
Girls – Any solid color leotard, pink tights or flesh tone, tan slip on jazz shoes, hair pulled back off face, fitted shorts may be worn over the leotard. Hair must be properly secured and tied up off of the face and neck.
Boys – Black dance pants, plain white t-shirt, lyrical dance shoes.
Girls – Hair must be properly secured and tied up off of the face and neck. Leotard (pink, black or tan), footless or transitional tights. Fitted dance shorts are allowed over tights. No pants or skirts are allowed. Tan slip on jazz shoes, dance paws or open modern sandals are permitted for turning purposes. Knee pads recommended for all levels.
Boys – Black or white solid color t-shirt, gym shorts or dance pants. Black jazz shoes, dance paws or open modern sandals are permitted for turning purposes. Knee pads recommended for all levels.
Girls – Solid colored leotard or fitted top, black jazz pants or leggings, tan slip on jazz shoes.
Boys – Black jazz pants, white t-shirt, black jazz shoes.
Girls/Boys – All students may wear a colorful t-shirt with no logos or writing, and sweat pants. Or basketball shorts for boys. Absolutely no crop tops or below the belly button pants or sagging pants allowed. Shoes: Sneakers with a smooth bottom or athletic shoes only.
Females – Wear a lapa [African print wrap skirt worn around the waist and hips] with bike shorts underneath.
Males – Wear dabas or shokatoes [loose fitting pants] or gym shorts with a t-shirt. Bare feet for males and females.
Females – Leggings, yoga pants, but no jeans. Fitted top made of stretchy fabric. Shoes: Dance sneakers with a split sole, or 2"-2.5" heels, or leather-soled flats.
Males – Sweatpants, yoga pants but no jeans. Fitted T-shirt. Shoes: Dance sneakers with a split sole or leather-soled oxfords.
Girls – Jazz pants, spandex shorts, fitted top, leotard, tights, jazz shoes or dance paws. Sneakers/bare feet not recommended.
Boys – Gym shorts and t-shirt, jazz shoes or dance paws. Sneakers/bare feet not recommended.
Males and females - Wear nice clothing that will allow you to move comfortably and with confidence (no midriffs showing). Clothes with simple patterns and colors are less of a distraction. Open toe shoes (sandals) and high heels can pose safety issues when moving around the floor.
*LEOTARD: Acceptable style is the standard scoop neck camisole, tank, capped sleeves and long sleeves. Unacceptable styles include turtle necks, extremely low-cut backs or high-cut legs, double-straps, keyhole backs, banded backs, halter straps, criss-cross or any other strap or see-through designs or other non-traditional types.
NOTE: Undergarments should not be worn with the leotard and tights excepting bras when appropriate. Underclothing, including bra straps must not show when wearing a leotard and tights.