Rules & Policies
Rhythm Elements Dance Studio strives to maintain a professional and positive learning environment for everyone.
Thank you for adhering to our rules and policies to make for a happy studio family atmosphere.
Plan to arrive at least ten minutes before class starts. Come prepared and ready to go. Each class begins with a warm-up routine and it's important not to miss it.
Your teacher is to be treated with the utmost respect at all times, and thanked individually after each class.
Giving presents to teachers is never expected. If you would like to thank your teacher, a thank you card or note is sufficient.
The study of dance will involve occasional physical contact between the instructor and the student. In partnering classes, there's contact between students. If a parent or student have any concerns about contact, please speak to our Artistic Director or Studio Director. UPDATE: Due to the OMICRON variant no physical contact will be made between instructors and students, nor student to student.
If you need to change into your dancewear, we have a changing space for your convenience. Please do not leave personal items behind in the changing rooms and studio rooms. UPDATE: Please dress at home and wear street clothes over dance clothes. Due to the OMICRON variant, the dressing rooms will not be available for use.
Hair: Ballet students hair must be secured in a traditional ballet bun. There are videos on YouTube to assist you if you need instructions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUVmm9tzZs4
For all students, hair must always be completely off face and neatly secured. Jazz dance students and other dance styles will wear their hair in a ponytail.
Proper dance clothes should be worn to all classes accompanied by the dance shoes that are required. Instructors need to see how the body is moving to prevent injury, and ensure proper placement and technique.
Please label or initial your child’s shoes and keep them in a dance bag. Dancers are responsible for their own belongings. Use the locker and cubbies to store bags, shoes, coats, etc. UPDATE: Due to the OMICRON variant, lockers and cubbies are not available for use.
Bring your positive attitude to class and leave your troubles at the door. Negative attitudes or inappropriate behavior by a student, parent or legal guardian could result in dismissal from the studio without tuition refund.
Bullying Policy: Every student, parent, legal guardian and visitor must be respectful. We will not tolerate any threats, physical or verbal abuse of any kind. We are a 100% free bullying studio. The safety and well-being of everyone at our studio is our top priority. Anyone involved in bullying, the issue will be resolved by our Director and Artistic Director, and may result in immediate dismissal from the studio without refund.
No food, drinks in the studio rooms. No chewing gum or candy in class, it is a choking hazard. Do not wear dangly earrings, bracelets or necklaces to class for safety reasons.
No cell phone use in class. Please turn off cell phone before entering class. You may check for cell phone messages from parents during breaks between classes or at the end of class, not during class.
The Artistic Director will check messages at breaks during class. Parent calls will not be returned while teaching is going on, unless it is deemed an emergency.
Avoid distractions and disruptions. Class time is a time to learn and not socialize – please do not distract others from learning by talking during class. Listening carefully is a critical part of the learning experience.
Corrections: All students should listen when their teacher corrects them. Listen when another student is corrected as the suggestion may also apply to you. Students should NOT correct each other.
Siblings who are not in a class must be monitored by a parent or legal guardian in the waiting area and kept quiet so our office staff can conduct business, and for classrooms not to be disturbed, nor our studio family. UPDATE: Due to the OMICRON variant, we request parents to drop off their child or wait in their car until class ends. We will escort your child to the car for their safety.
Students are not allowed outside the studio, and must wait for in-studio pick-up by a designated parent after class ends. See rule above.
Parents may stay in the lobby during their child's class. Please use your inside voice when talking. Parents are welcome to drop their child off, and return to pick up the child 5 minutes before class ends. UPDATE: Due to the OMICRON variant, we request parents to drop off their child or wait in their car until class ends. We will escort your child to the car for their safety.
Students are not to be left at the studio for excessive time periods before or after their classes. Please come a few minutes before class ends so that you can pick your child up promptly on time.
For their safety, students are not allowed in any studio room without a teacher present. Students must respect studio property and the property of others. No hanging on the barres or touching the mirrors or playing on stairs and furniture. No running. Any intentional damage to or theft of such property or class equipment will not be tolerated, and could result in the student’s dismissal from class without refund.
A student's placement may change at the discretion of the director and artistic director. Advancement depends upon a dancer's or tumbler's ability, not upon age or length of time spent studying dance and tumbling.
Students are placed on Pointe at the discretion of the instructor. A student must be at least 12 years old and attend ballet classes a minimum of two times per week to be considered for Pointe work.
Do not wear Tap shoes outside: Students will not be allowed to wear tap shoes that have been worn outside as they become abrasive and gouge the dance floor. We take every precaution to keep students safe in class, and in and outside of the studio.
Parents, legal guardians of minors, and students waive the right to any legal action for any injury sustained on studio property resulting from normal dance activity or any other activity conducted by the students before, during, or after class time.
ATTENDANCE: Please make every effort to bring your child to class each week. Regular attendance is very important as the student will learn a great deal faster. Awards are given at the year-end Spring Dance Showcase for full seasonal participation. If a student absence becomes an on-going cause for concern, a meeting will be scheduled to discuss appropriate options. If you will be absent or sick, please leave a message at the studio, or send a text message. UPDATE: Due to the OMICRON variant, please DO NOT attend class if you are exhibiting symptoms.
There are no refunds given for missed classes. When there are 5 weeks in a month, you receive the 5th lesson free. This compensates for an occasional lesson missed due to illness, or when a holiday falls on the day of the lesson
Absence due to illness or a extreme weather day, you may make-up in another appropriate level class at the discretion of the studio director and artistic director. Please note that studio holidays and vacations are factored in for the year, and do not require a “make-up” day.
SITTING OUT: If a student is unable to participate in their class but is feeling well enough to attend class, we expect them to be engaged by observing so that they will retain key elements of class. Students who feel ill, have a fever, or are exhibiting “contagious” cold symptoms or other sickness should follow their doctor advice and stay home and rest. Cases of prolonged absence due to illness or injury should be discussed with the teacher. UPDATE: Due to the OMICRON variant, please DO NOT attend class if you are exhibiting symptoms.
REFUND POLICY: Refund policy is based on the first class applicable to your registration and applies to tuition only (Registration fee, credit card fees, and Spring Dance Showcase fees are non-refundable) and is as follows: In-person and online class refund - 90% after the first class, 70% after the second class, there is no refund after the third class.
SHOWCASE: Participation in the end of the year Spring Dance Showcase is not mandatory, however, it is strongly encouraged and is considered an important part of the overall dance experience. Being part of a performance helps build self-esteem and self-confidence, and gives students a chance to showcase the results of all of their hard work and progress.
DRESS REHEARSAL: If you commit your child to participate in the annual Fall Show and Spring Dance showcase, they will be required to be present at the mandatory dress rehearsal in order to perform on stage.
SHOWCASE FEE: $35.00 per participant. (NON-REFUNDABLE) The showcase fee goes toward the rental of the auditorium and all the things that go with that including lights, sound, security, insurance, etc. Each family that participates in the Fall Show and Spring Dance Showcase receives two (2) tickets. Extra tickets will be available for purchase as supplies last. All attendees (guests) need to purchase a ticket to attend the Fall Show and Spring Dance Showcase. If you have an infant under 18 months that can sit on your lap for the entire show WITHOUT disturbing others around you, then they will NOT need a ticket.
Rhythm Elements normally holds it's annual Fall Show in October and Spring Dance Showcase in May or June depending on the availability of the theater. Proper shoes and tights are NOT covered in the Fall Show and the Spring Dance Showcase fee and must be provided by the dancer. SHOWCASE FEE AND COSTUME FEES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE.
COSTUMES: Students will learn a different dance for each class they are enrolled in. Students in multiple dance classes are encouraged to participate in the performance of each of their classes. There is a different costume associated with each dance class.
Children will be measured for their Fall/Spring costumes in August. If you paid for a costume and then your child dropped out of class, you may pick up your costume by October 30th. All costumes not picked up by the end of October will become the property of Rhythm Elements.
Classes must have a minimum of 5 students and a maximum of 10 to 15 students per class (depending on style and age). Some restrictions or extensions may apply for reasons of studio size, age, and number of teachers in class. Classes may be cancelled if fewer than 5 students are enrolled.
Parents, Legal Guardians, Siblings, & Visitors: Please remain in the waiting room so we can have the focus and attention of the students while in class. There will be opportunities during the year for parents and family members to sit in class, and view the students progress. Observation days will be posted. UPDATE: Due to the OMICRON variant, we have cancelled class observations.
INSURANCE: RHYTHM ELEMENTS DANCE STUDIO DOES NOT CARRY MEDICAL INSURANCE FOR ITS STUDENTS. It is required that ALL students be covered by their own family insurance policies.
Classes follow the Rockdale County School District schedule with the exception of parent/teacher conferences and certain holidays. Snow cancellations will be announced on the studio Facebook page by 12:00 p.m. If there is no school, there generally is no studio classes for safety of students, parents and teachers.
Smoking, illegal drugs, alcohol, firearms and non-traditional service animals are prohibited in our classes and location.
The basic code of conduct outlined above will help teach our students respect that will carry over into all aspects of their lives, and has lifetime benefits